Welcome. You're Home.
We're Glad You're Here.

Family-friendly. That’s what we’re all about. We know there are a lot of choices out there and we are more than grateful you’re here. And now that you are it’s our job to provide a high-quality experience that is second to none. We aren’t just putting anything and everything here to fill space. No. Everything we offer is thoughtfully considered so we can provide an environment that’s positive, uplifting and, most-importantly, entertaining.
Our goal is to not only give you the best in family-friendly entertainment but to make it quickly accessible via state-of-the-art tech that’s as cool, hip and aware as you are. Let’s face it: if programs don’t look good, you’re not going to want to watch them. We get that and we want to bring them to you in the most modern way possible. If we don’t stay current you won’t stay here. And we can’t let that happen. You’re too important!
Things happen. No getting around it. But we want to minimize this as much as possible. Need something? We’re here! Contact us 24/7/365. We want your OAXIS experience to be a great one.
We aren’t messing around. It’s your information, period. When you trust us with it you can be sure we’ll protect it. We take this very seriously. After all, you’re family now. And we protect our family members.
We raised
over $250K in
30 days.
Creating and Developing the Platform.
Streaming Service Coming Soon.
We can't wait to hear from you.
Streaming service coming soon.

What We Have to Offer
Personalize Your Experience
Phone, tablet, laptop, TV (or anything else that’s invented) Oaxis is here for YOU. Our high-quality programs are available for your family 24/7, 365. And you choose how you want them delivered. Day or night, once a week, once a month, or every other fourth Thursday – we got you.

Welcome. You’re Home.
We here at Oaxis Entertainment know you have a lot of choices out there. Like…a whole lot. And we know you could be anywhere. But you’re here now and we couldn’t be happier. For you AND for us. Your choice of entertainment is something we take VERY seriously and we promise we’ll do everything we can to bring you the very best in high quality, family-friendly entertainment. At Oaxis we want you to feel safe and secure knowing that you’re in a place where your interests come first. When you chose Oaxis you chose family. Welcome home!

Because We're Family...
We are THE premiere network for family-friendly entertainment. Check us out and see! Your family is our family. Just like you want what’s best for your family WE want what’s best for your family. The big advantage we offer is that you get NO surprises at Oaxis.

www.oaxis.tv | info@oaxis.tv | Los Angeles, CA